Top 10 Holi Safety Tips During Holi Party होली का रंग न पड़े फीका, ध्यान रखें ये जरूरी बातें

Apart from India, Holi is a major festival celebrated by many countries is Dhumdhaam. This special event in India for almost a month before the country is Braj. Opportunity to kill together, such as in the mouth next to the knife Ram. Be careful if you have a little too cautious and will continue visiting the festival. Driara colors play big festivals because of its importance in specific counts. 

If life is not so full of colors seems to be a burden on his Insn. Imagine the world without those clothes look colorless colors will look dull life, monotonous, will be seen in segregation. If Holly is happy to note these special things always.

The color of the flowers make Tesu 
Tesu flowers soaking in water colors is required to hold. The generating facilities and skin and health is better than Dshti.

Play with herbal veins 
Play nice herbal colors. Especially for the skin. It must Thodeh are expensive are good.
Top 10 Holi Safety Tips During Holi Party होली का रंग न पड़े फीका, ध्यान रखें ये जरूरी बातें
Top 10 Holi Safety Tips During Holi Party होली का रंग न पड़े फीका, ध्यान रखें ये जरूरी बातें 

Chemicals, avoid colors 
To use colors made from chemicals must be strictly forbidden. The skin, especially the face and eyes have the wrong effect.

Play with paint 
Paint or wax to be played by the Holy See should not necessarily support. Such paint is petroleum health fatal.

Play with mud 
Mud, dirty water drain, which is infected. It proved to be harmful to health played Holi begins her.

Use dry to Gualala 
Place the dried wet Holi Holi Holi and more precisely is played Driara Abir.

Avoid sweets adulterated 
Avoid taking adulterated sweets on the occasion of the marketplace. It is made of synthetic milk Khoa Aneko diseases which can be inserted.

Do not use vegetable oil 
To make pickled vegetable oil instead of pure rapeseed oil will be beneficial to use the Swathsy.

Drink alcohol carefully 
The walk is common wines. Before taking particular note, anything can happen anywhere. The two men will also have three faces.

Not too wet 
Not too wet Holi. Fever, cough, headache, runny nose, aches and difficulties may occur

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