भ्रष्टाचार Essay on Curruption | How to finish Curruption

Essay on Curruption (भ्रष्टाचार)

Corruption means, corrupt conduct. In other words, that which is wrong. In India, corruption has spread like around the epidemic. Government system that has spread from top to bottom. While privately-owned areas are not immune from corruption. It would be an exaggeration will not, that corruption has spread from house to house. First minor scandal, nowadays to scam millions million went to be common. The judicial system also went not be immune to corruption. All his wealth in finding a common person is justified even gives his entire life to lose, even though there is no guarantee that will get justice or not. Police goons should fear, but the odds are afraid of such a decent man police. 

Also changed as the time changed so corruption. And went there with o corruption definition too broad. Previously only we believe corruption to economic corruption. But today there are many forms of corruption, such as: economic corruption, moral corruption, political corruption, judicial corruption, social corruption, cultural corruption, and so on. The state or country to fulfill personal ambitions in the midterm elections is a good example of shelling out political corruption. Justice must meet a fatal delay instances of judicial corruption. Kuprthaaa is an example of social corruption. Youth is wrong cultural lessons to teach cultural corruption. 
भ्रष्टाचार Essay on Curruption | How to finish Curruption

Corruption as long as it can not be done, unless wake not believe the general public. Today the situation of people who oppose such, the economic corruption of politicians themselves are morally corrupt. When a corrupt person spoke against corruption, it is nothing more than to play. Women talk of empowering us to do, but do not take them any concrete steps to create economic, neither physically nor mentally strong. Foreign marriages are, but in the same economic level people. And those who are married say they are the best, it is a social corruption which create new standards of corruption. 
In India, the whole system of corruption has spread badly. Privately owned educational institutions earn big bucks in the donation. So you can think o are, the Institute of roots nurtured o corruption out there, people will not know how corrupt? Justice rich has become a slave. Politics then went so corrupt, it is difficult to say where it is not corruption. Political corruption of fresh fashion, give the parties would not remove the party leaders that anti-national statement, the proceedings against those political parties ... who are anti-party statements. No one could easily think that is going to be much of the country's politics well.

Everyone down from the above system is a fixed part of the economic corruption.Corruption will welcome income for as long as the house is, so corruption to disappear. To be free from corruption, it is necessary to awake faith of Pryek person. Is to be ethics in education, corruption without it may not be over. But today's education system of ethics is missing. And where educational institutions students should vocational education, but he has Wyvsayikarn o education. Education system is such that the people oppressed inferior. The end of the root of social corruption as o important than the loss of economic corruption.

Social corruption o is the root, which is another corruption base. The biggest problem with us is that we are chanting slogans in protest against corruption, but keep the same time corruption. Corruption is like a disease, which just keeps growing o. No one can say how it would end corruption. Who has dropped so much in an age of moral decline. And not go into this round of moral decay we and how many fall down. And despite falling down how long we will be here to recognize the right.

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